Thursday 3 June 2010

The Forest Cafe

I have been discovering all kinds of awesome creative collectives recently. One of these is the Forest Café in Edinburgh: a volunteer-type establishment in similar vein to the Star and Shadow Cinema here in Newcastle but with a more literary focus.

I had the pleasure of listening to their music and readings as part of their Golden Hour tour at the end of May, where I was working behind the bar. Sadly, it was a bit under-promoted as it was a bit of a last minute affair, but their enthusiasm more than made up for it. It was a fun and inspiring evening.

If you’re ever in Edinburgh you should definitely see what they have on and pay them a visit. If you’re interested, they publish small collections of literature and poetry and the Forest Publications website is well worth a browse. Great music also by Hailey Beavis, Jed Milroy and Maybe Myrtle Tyrtle. I really wish more people had seen it.