Thursday 20 May 2010

When I said things had to change, I meant it...

Things are incredibly manic right now so a list of exciting stuff will have to suffice for this post (it’s been a while in the writing). The excitement is subjective of course.

HOUSE! I found a room! I’m moving in to a shared house next week. I’m so looking forward to being closer to the city, closer to my friends, public transport and work. I will miss the coast and the countryside, but not the driving.

HIKE! A friend and I went for a walk around Dunstanburgh Castle a few weeks ago – albeit a brief one, but I was still very much recovering from illness and nursing a ‘drawing pin in the foot’ injury from that morning – and decided that it was something that we should do more often. I’m looking forward to making plans (and actually carrying them out).

CLIMB! My move will also take me closer to the climbing wall, which I intend to utilise A LOT more. Illness has taken its toll on that aspect of my life recently so hopefully, with wellness and proximity, I can remedy the lack.

WELLNESS/BREAKAGE! [Okay, so this is only half exciting.] Speaking of being well – finally, I am! Well, except for a healing rib, which I actually managed to break through coughing. I didn’t think that was even possible. Now just to stay well! It would help if Britain would decide if it wants to be in spring, summer or winter…

RUN! Before I realised my rib was broken, I went on my first run in a very long time. I ran over 5 miles and cannot wait to get out there again – just without the broken bone. There is something very special about running long distance. It can be painful, but creates a certain sense of mental freedom and release.

VOLUNTEER! I’ve started volunteering at The Star and Shadow Cinema in the Ouseburn Valley. I’d never heard of it, but went to a gig there and loved the venue so much that I looked it up to see what else they did there. Discovering that it was completely volunteer run, I decided to get involved and worked my first shift behind the bar at a gig soon after.

ART! I am rediscovering my photographic obsession, and learning a lot more about image manipulation (when I should be studying of course). I have recently ‘discovered’ zines (through a combination of totally unrelated events), and am excited at the prospect of learning how to use the dark room and screen printer at the cinema. I have finally started printing photos (something I haven’t done in over four years) and am getting out into the galleries and exhibitions – including catching some of the Late Shows where galleries across the UK were opened late into the evening with events running.

VOTE! For the first time, I took my vote in the general election seriously. Previously I have really just voted because of the guilt I felt about the women who fought hard for my right to do so. Unfortunately, just as I realised how important it all is, I also experienced my first political rage. I felt embarrassed to be British as we demonstrated to the world: our lack of ability to organise a general election; just how undemocratic our society is; how well we can turn an election into something akin to a game show. I am galled by the unfairness of our voting system, genuinely scared about what a future under a conservative government means (I remember the riots), but hopeful for the new coalition government, and, right at the end there, I gained a new respect for Gordon Brown and his eloquence in departure.

FRIENDS! Actually, while my friends are all awesome and much loved, this is a shout to one particular friend. When I moved back to England I was a little lost without Rom. To use her sentiments; I had lost my wing(wo)man, and that person who is able to be exactly the right kind of friend at exactly the right time. BUT, with the help of the internet, snail mail, a mutual love of letter-writing, and a series of Incredibly Awesome Parcels™ she will always be there to inspire me and make me smile. Love.

WRITE! I’ve been told I should write by various people throughout the years. Thing is, I do and then I don’t do anything with it. Usually through shyness (yes, me). Even continuing to write this blog after my year in Australia was up is a bit weird for me. I kind of think it’s fine because I don’t think anybody reads it really… BUT, I have bitten the bullet and have gotten involved in a local online news and entertainment site written by and for members of the community that I’ll be moving to. And with a mild tremor of terror I think about what to write for my first editorial…

WEDDING! Massive congratulations to my old housemates and good friends, Andy and Lisa who got married in Lincoln last weekend. The reception involved an awesome reunion of old friends on the most beautiful weekend of the year so far. Caelidh dancing extreme. I managed to pack in visits to see my brother and his family, and catch up with the lovely Lauren for a bit too… All good.

Let’s just say, May’s been a big month! And it’s not quite over yet…

Lots to look forward to and lots of stuff happening. Watch this space.

Monday 17 May 2010

"Naive. Super"

This is not at all what I originally intended to write. That post is actually half written, but I keep not finishing it. Story of my life right now.

Instead, I am going to start with a quote from a book I have been reading: "Naive. Super" by Erlend Loe (translated from the original Norwegian by Tor Ketil Solberg)

The book is about a 25 year old who is struggling to find meaning in his life (not as depressing as it sounds), and this particular part begins with a list. The list is of all of the things he used to find exciting as a child. It's a long list, and the things are incredibly simple. After the list he goes on to say:

"My existence was full of these things. It was so nice and uncomplicated. When I wasn't sleeping I ran around and was excited. I never walked. I ran."
"I speculate about making a list of things that excite me today. I find a pen and paper, but I notice that I am hesitating.
I am afraid the list will be a short one.
I should never have stopped running."

How sad it is that for so many of us that this is true. And it particularly hit home to me, because recently I feel like I have rediscovered my metaphorical running shoes. I have never really struggled with the 'meaning of life' but I have struggled from time to time. Right now though, I feel excitement in the small things and notice things I never paid any attention to before. I am inspired and exhilarated and those running shoes are on to stay.

PS. I am aware, of course, that the real meaning of life is the number 42 and that we are, in fact, just asking the wrong question... (Douglas Adams)