Tuesday 3 November 2009

Hallowe'en in Brisvegas!

So, they don't really 'do' Hallowe'en in Australia. One of my Aussie friends called me a tourist a few weeks ago for referring to the weekend by the term "Hallowe'en". Hahaha. Luckily, I have British friends here, and we know Aussies who are happy to celebrate anything that requires beer (and fancy dress). Much like my trip to Adelaide, please don't expect any tales of Brisbane or anything! The only bit of Brisbane I saw is the bit of Chinatown Craig drove through when he drove me to the airport on Sunday! No complaints though, I'll see Brisbane another time, and the weekend was awesome.

We spent most of the day on Saturday preparing the food, and getting everything ready for the party. It was a great lolly (or, in English English, 'sweet') filled day, as we overindulged with Hallowe'en shaped lollies - I am such a child, and fake teeth always make me laugh. The costumes were amazing. Everyone went to so much effort. I was so impressed! I can safely say I have not laughed that much in ages. Sunday was hangover day and we just chilled out before we all caught our flights/buses. The trip was so worth it though. It was great to see Lisa and Craig again, finally meet Sarah and Guy (who were in Vancouver at the same time as me a few years ago and who I had heard so much about), to see Lisa and Craig's beautiful new house, and to bask in the Queensland warmth (of course, I later discovered it had actually been warmer in Melbourne for once!)

Unfortuntely, my body rebelled AGAIN! I knew something was up on Saturday when I started to get the all-over body aches and a sore throat. But choosing to ignore them, and use the numbing-by-vodka method, I managed to forget about it for the evening. Sunday, it hit in force. I apologise to all for my moaning! Yesterday morning, I was given yet more antibiotics for tonsilitis (I know... AGAIN). Shake me, and I might just rattle.

I caught a taxi back to my house from the city because I couldn't be bothered with trams after flying whilst ill (and probably hungover). The poor taxi driver got the full brunt of my bad mood when he got lost despite using the SatNav. It was probably made worse by the fact that I KNEW exactly what he was going to do it but hadn't wanted to interfere, because after all, what do I know about SatNavs? It was worse because I had given him full directions when I'd first got in the cab. Still, he gave me a discount after I successfully redirected him across 3 suburbs. Actually, he was on my street the whole time, just 3km away - the numbers just restart every time you hit a new suburb, THAT's how weird this city can be sometimes. Last I saw him he had detatched the SatNav terminal from it's stand and was shaking it. Hahaha.

Today was a public holiday. It feels strange to have a Tuesday off work, but I think it has definitely been beneficial to my health! It was the Melbourne Cup today and Victoria got the day off for it. It's akin to Ascot I guess, but they take it so much more seriously here. None of my friends wanted to go, which in hindsight, is probably a good thing! Back to work tomorrow. Thankfully, this evening I double checked the day that I am starting as a cox for Melbourne Rowing Club (it entails getting up at 4.30am). I had thought it was tomorrow, but it's actually Thursday. Phew! It would have been seriously annoying to get up that early on the wrong day!