Wednesday 10 March 2010

The whirlwind continues

[oh look! it's another backdated one - I actually wrote this last week, but never finished it]

It's my last full day in Melbourne and I'm sitting in Rom and Silver's house drinking Melbourne Breakfast tea (yummm, thanks Cathy :)) and eating peanut butter on toast. I woke up to Basil (the cat) puking next to my head. Thanks Basil. I hope that's not a sign of the day to come...

Summer appears to have deserted Melbourne early, which is probably a good thing for my acclimatisation, as it seems that winter has not deserted the UK early. It ended abruptly with golf ball sized hail stones on Saturday.

I haven't written anything for an age (again) so I must take a moment to try and work out where the last 6 weeks have gone. It's definitely been fun and didn't involve all that much sleep that's for sure. I've been working 6 day weeks and 9 and a half hour days but still managed to get some socialising time in - spending as much time with friends as possible before I have to leave.

I had a brief escape from the city in the form of a trip to Longwood with Sarah a couple of weekends ago. It's a tiny town in the bush about 2 hours North of Melbourne. It was so good to have a break from the busyness of the city, hang around on Mount Wombat (for the views) and take a walk along the rocks beside the waterfall and just generally breathe some non-city air!