Monday 17 May 2010

"Naive. Super"

This is not at all what I originally intended to write. That post is actually half written, but I keep not finishing it. Story of my life right now.

Instead, I am going to start with a quote from a book I have been reading: "Naive. Super" by Erlend Loe (translated from the original Norwegian by Tor Ketil Solberg)

The book is about a 25 year old who is struggling to find meaning in his life (not as depressing as it sounds), and this particular part begins with a list. The list is of all of the things he used to find exciting as a child. It's a long list, and the things are incredibly simple. After the list he goes on to say:

"My existence was full of these things. It was so nice and uncomplicated. When I wasn't sleeping I ran around and was excited. I never walked. I ran."
"I speculate about making a list of things that excite me today. I find a pen and paper, but I notice that I am hesitating.
I am afraid the list will be a short one.
I should never have stopped running."

How sad it is that for so many of us that this is true. And it particularly hit home to me, because recently I feel like I have rediscovered my metaphorical running shoes. I have never really struggled with the 'meaning of life' but I have struggled from time to time. Right now though, I feel excitement in the small things and notice things I never paid any attention to before. I am inspired and exhilarated and those running shoes are on to stay.

PS. I am aware, of course, that the real meaning of life is the number 42 and that we are, in fact, just asking the wrong question... (Douglas Adams)